What kind of cases do personal injury lawyers handle

Personal Injury Law is all about the legal remedies and all the defenses involved in the civil lawsuits brought about as a result of any negligent behavior or wrongful conduct. In the case of Personal Law cases, the doctrine of negligence is the main bases of law. Hence, each time someone gets hurt, personal negligence occurs. Therefore, this law also requires every member of the society to act responsibly and not harm the rest of the people within the community. Putting someone at risk for any injury or damage would result in negligence of this law. However, it must also be understood that not all accidents come into this category since many incidents are unavoidable and are bound to happen. Some prominent examples of negligence are car accidents that occur due to rash or drunk driving, medical complications that may occur due to the negligence of doctors, or the fact that some animals like a dog bites and causes harm to someone when these pets are allowed to roam free. In each of these cases, the party was charged because Read more “What kind of cases do personal injury lawyers handle”

Does CBD Show Up on a Drug Test?

Drug tests do not test for CBD. Cannabis drug tests test for tetrahydrocannabinol THC, not cannabinoid (CBD). THC is the psychoactive compound of marijuana that gets you high. Pure CBD from hemp plant contains less than 0.3% THC.

If you’ve just applied for a new job and you rocked on the interview, a mandatory drug testing should not worry you. That CBD oil you’ve been taking for pain relief won’t disappoint you.

Different marijuana drug tests have a different uncovering threshold. To pass a cannabis urine test, the amount of THC must be below 50 ng/ml. 50ng/ml is the cut off that is set by the National Institute of Health and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration.
For the THC level in your body to reach 50ng/ml, you must have consumed more than 2,000 mg of CBD oil or other pure CBD products with a THC level below 0.3%. 2,000 mg of CBD is much higher than the average human being can take. Research studies show that many people are administered to take 100 to 800 mg of CBD … Read more “Does CBD Show Up on a Drug Test?”

Is CBD Legal?

What is CBD oil?

CBD which stands for Cannabidiol is found in both the cannabis and hemp plant. It has been making its way across the US in many forms, one of the most popular being CBD oil. CBD oil comes from the hemp plant. If you’ve been into any convenience store this year, 2019, in almost every major city across the US you’ve most likely noticed CBD oil advertisements. CBD oil tinctures, CBD gummies, CBD tea, CBD creams, CBD vape juice, even CBD water! Manufacturers promise stress reduction, pain relief, and even better sleep! CBD oil is all the rage these days and many people are drawn to its pain-relieving qualities with minimal to no negative side effects. CBD oil has become a welcome relief for consumers who are seeking a safe alternative to the opioid option for pain management. CBD is beneficial across the board, from young to old. Even with a rise in popularity and the many people who dote about the many benefits, many people are still resistant due to the uncertainty of the legality of … Read more “Is CBD Legal?”